Reservation Confirmation
Please read through the following, and if you have any questions you can reach us by phone or email: 608-217-3524,
If it's your first time at Float Madison, please arrive 15 minutes before your start time so we can walk you through our orientation (if you have a 10 am float, please know our door will be unlocked by 9:45 am for you). If you've been here in the past please arrive at least five minutes before your appointment start time.
Directions to Float Madison's free parking can be found here:
We will provide you with most everything you need, including a towel, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and a few other amenities. You may want to bring a hair brush, and if you wear contact lenses, your contact lens case and solution. It is not necessary or recommended to wear a swimsuit while floating, but you are more than welcome to use one if you wish. We provide complimentary spring water and tea in our post-float lounge, but you are welcome to bring your own bottle of water or beverage as well.
We recommend that you not shave or wax 24 hours beforehand.
It is helpful to not drink caffeine 4-6 hours beforehand.
Don't smoke cigarettes beforehand. We may refuse service if a strong odor of smoke is brought in with you.
Eat a light meal about an hour before your float.
You are sick or experiencing symptoms of COVID-19.
You've dyed your hair in the past 10 days. You've used red hair dye in the past 30 days.
(Please read our full hair dye policy in our FAQ: )
You have Henna coloring in your hair or a Henna tattoo.
You've received a tattoo in the last 3 weeks.
You've applied skin tanning products in the past 3 days.
You have epilepsy that is not under medical control.
You have a large open skin wound. (There's a lot of salt. It'll hurt.)
You have ear tubes in, unless you get approval from your health provider. Getting salt water in your ear when you have ear tubes can be painful.
You are unable to independently and safely transition from a lying to a standing position, and enter and exit the float tank without assistance (unless you bring your own assistant).
Floating is safe for almost everyone, but still has it's risks and is not recommended for some people. You shouldn't float if you have incontinence, uncontrolled epilepsy, open wounds, an infectious disease, drug or alcohol intoxication, or kidney problems. If you have a heart condition, a severe medical condition, or any other concerns please consult your physician first. If you have mobility issues and might need help getting in and out of the float tank, you will need to bring a helper as we cannot help you in and out for liability reasons. As long as you can safely get in and out of the tank, you should be safe to float, but similar to other water-based services such as a pool or spa, you need to use caution since floors can be very slippery. We don't have staff in our private float suites while guests float so please take our safety concerns seriously and float at your own risk.
Please allow time to relax here in our relaxation lounge with complementary tea or spring water. It may take a few minutes for you to feel ready to return to the business of the outside world. Some people feel so relaxed that they choose to wait some time before driving. It's nice to have spare time following a float to enjoy the crispness of your senses, or to simply explore your state of mind. We have a hairdryer available in our restroom for your convenience.
We are located at 312 E Wilson St, across the street from Rubin's Furniture and Summit Credit Union.
Free parking is available at our float center just around the corner off of Butler St in the private parking lot behind our building. There is a "Permit Parking Only" sign as you enter the lot. You must park in one of the five designated spaces with the blue Float Madison signs about 2/3 of the way into the small shared lot. In the rare event that our spaces are taken up, additional metered parking is abundant within 2 blocks. Meters are free after 6pm and on Sundays. If you have any problems with parking please call us and we will help make it a breeze. Please don't park in our lot at times that you aren't here to float so that we have it available for current guests.
*Our float services are reserved especially for you. We have a 24 hour cancellation policy. Should you need to cancel your float appointment less than 24 hours prior to its start time, a fee of $39 will be charged. "No call, no shows" will be charged 100% of the services scheduled. If you are coming in with a gift certificate for services, the certificate will be marked as used. We are closed on Mondays, so Tuesday cancellations need to be done by 7:00 pm on Sunday. Please check weather forecasts, especially in the winter, and reschedule your float at least 24 hours in advance if predicted bad weather would cause you to not be able to drive here for your float. Please arrive no later than 5 minutes ahead of your scheduled appointment. Late arrivals may result in a shortened or forfeited appointment, as we can not adversely affect other guests. If you are more than 10 minutes late we may have to reschedule your float session. We may not be able to shorten your session and cannot delay the next one. If you are 5 minutes late and you have not called us to let us know, we reserve the right to give your float room away to walk-in guests. Nobody wants that, so please be on time and give us at least 24 hours notice if you need to cancel or modify your booking for any reason. Please respect our time as we will always respect yours!
Directions on how to cancel your appointments:
We greatly look forward to having you in. Please call or email us if we can be of help in any way.
Thank you, and we look forward to hosting your float!
Greg and the Float Madison Team
(608) 217-3524
312 E Wilson St
Madison, WI 53703